Audit Commission

The Audit Commission, comprising of three Commissioners, makes the Board’s decisions by consensus of the Commissioners, as well as directing and supervising activities carried out by the General Executive Bureau.

The Audit Commission adopts a consensus system to ensure fairness and adequacy in its judgments.
Commissioners are appointed by the Cabinet with the consent of both Houses of the Diet. The Emperor attests to the appointment of the Commissioners. A Commissioner holds office for a five-year term, and their status is guaranteed during the term to ensure the Board’s independence.
A person elected by the Commissioners from among themselves is appointed President of the Board by the Cabinet. The President represents the Board and presides over the Audit Commission.

President and Commissioners
Commissioner (President)
Dr. TANAKA Yayoi
Date of Birth: March 20, 1960
Date of Appointment (Commissioner): September 2, 2019
Date of Reappointment (Commissioner): February 24, 2023
Date of Appointment (President) : January 12 2024
Before joining the Board of Audit: Special Appointed Professor
Research Department,
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
Mr. HARADA Yuhei
Date of Birth: January 27, 1963
Date of Appointment: January 9, 2024
The previous position in the Board of Audit: Secretary General
Dr. HIKI Fumiko
Date of Birth: May 2, 1964
Date of Appointment: September 11, 2023
Before joining the Board of Audit: Professor
Graduate School of Business Administration,
Hitotsubashi University
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