Research Journal

 The Board of Audit twice a year issues "Kaikei-kensa Kenkyu", which includes refereed papers and articles by scholars, researchers and government officials in the field of public accounting, administration, and policies. For overseas readers, the Board had been publishing the English version "the Government Auditing Review" once a year by translating selected articles from "Kaikei-kensa Kenkyu", in which overseas readers may be interested. Since the Board suspended publication of this English version in March 2009, only the titles and authors of Kaikei-kensa Kenkyu are presented here in English from the September 2010 issue.

 Views expressed in those articles including foreword belong entirely to the authors and do not represent the opinions of the Board of Audit.

 The copyright of each paper on this WEB site belongs to the author.

(Note) Please be advised that the serial numbers of the semiannual originals here are not the same as those of the annually-issued English version.

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