Participation in the 58th ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting

On May 31, 2022, the 58th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Governing Board Meeting was held online. President MORITA from the Board of Audit of Japan participated in the meeting.
The ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting is held once a year to report on the activities conducted by ASOSAI and the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) since the last meeting, and for ASOSAI to decide on activity plans for the following year onwards.
At the meeting, relevant SAIs were in charge of reporting on the status of ASOSAI’s activities since the 15th ASOSAI Assembly (held online in September 2021). President MORITA also gave a report on ASOSAI capacity development activities as the Capacity Development Administrator of ASOSAI.

58th ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting
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